Love And Sexual Self Care


One of the important topics to talk about, methinks!

If we concentrate on positive physical and mental well being, then our sexual pleasures may

increase too…It’s a no brainier!

Take some time for yourself regularly, even if the bills need paying, the house needs home

improvements and every day trials and tribulations are there.

Now, not all of us go to the gym or have a personal trainer, but did you know that just 10 minutes of walking each day can help improve our mood and stamina.

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruit, veg, yogurts,  fish, lean meat/protein, nuts and seeds are a few ways to get the feel good hormones flowing. And don’t forget dark chocolate! Even just a small amount contains antioxidants.

Drink water to keep hydrated, 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night is ideal (although not always realistic) for stamina and a little sparkle.

Participate in hobbies and activities that give us the “feel good factor”

Believe in yourself! participating in activities you enjoy can boost confidence and self esteem.

Being in control of stress can be complicated, but laughing, calming music, walking and of course asking for help (friend, family or professional) are all positive ways to make progress in

building and enhancing our feelings of pleasure.

Communicate with partners! listen, be honest and open about sexual needs.

New toys, new positions, dressing up and of course discussing boundaries can be a great way to bond and explore each others desires.

Spend quality time together - it’s better than quantity! This allows a clearer closer sexual connection and intimacy.

Educate ourselves - we are never too old or clever to learn.. Read books, join social platforms, go on a course, join a new group!

Take a leap - be creative exploring fantasies, understand them, talk about them.. Be prepared for a few laughs but ultimately a deeper sexual connection.

Masturbate! When we masturbate (knock one out as someone said to me yesterday) not only

does this help us to better understand our bodies, it increases our sexual confidence and, well.. It’s fun!

Self love leads to more pleasurable experiences.. So what are you waiting for? 

Au revoir, Pleasure Seekers. ♥️
