"I Dress To Kill, But Tastefully"

That’s a quote from the iconic Freddie Mercury - known for sex appeal and the “wow” factor,

always dressing up with such aplomb.

From roleplay to kinky erotic and fantasy, dressing up has always been a huge part of sex for

many people. Soooooo.. let’s talk about it!

Wearing something “out of the norm” helps us feel confident, often changing our mood and

behaviour and can often influence how others see us without even talking!

It’s a form of self expression and can help us connect with people who may have the similar


We’ve all had that wonderful feeling when we try on that dress, that harness that pair of

gloves.. feeling good, feeling sexy, confident and ready for anything!

Many of us want or need to dress up for our partner(s) and ourselves for this very reason.

Sooooo.. What's stopping us?

  • Feeling that it’s taboo

  • Worry of being judged

  • Feeling silly

Well, there are plenty of like minded people all over the world, look for clubs and platforms that

suit you and welcome kinks, fetishes and cross dressing.

Surround yourself with like minded people..

Speak to staff at a reputable adult shop, explain what you would like and with their knowledge

and support YOU can buy that outfit and walk out feeling confident in your dream purchase.

Fun fact - The victorians called having sex ‘nug a nug” ‘scrumping and ‘bonestorming’

So those who are curious and wish to get in touch with their adventurous side.. Go ahead and buy the skirt, the suspenders, the shoes, the hat. It allows us to get away from societal norms and expectations.

Those of you who fantasize about being someone else, do it! If for no one else, do it for yourself.

Chat to your partner(s), they may have the same desires as you.

Whether it’s leather and lace, a change of voice, dressing up as your hero/heroin.. if it’s

consensual and has clear boundaries, then explore to your hearts delight!

Please ensure all play is sensitive and that emotional support is actively promoted after each

session, for all involved, to ensure respect and to process any feelings.

Celebrate diversity! Celebrate yourself!

Go ahead, you know you want to, Pleasure Seekers. ♥️
