Celebrating Body Positivity

Welcome back to oursex positive blog!

Today we’ll be taking a look at body positivity and what it means.

At My Amazing Fantasy we know that everybody has a right to love respect and an enjoyable sex life. To be honest, it’s fairly simple.....body positivity is about being inclusive, non judgemental and supportive of all bodies in an accepting manner, whether related to gender, ethnicity, physical abilities, size, shape or background.

Self love and body positivity encourages us all to be confident and promotes self love and normalises diversity of all our bodies.

If we look at some famous artists (Henri Matisse, Picasso, Alice Neel) we see differing shapes, sizes and colours to portray the human body.

Only in the late 70s early 80s did people begin to openly criticise beauty and fashion trends, everyone was supposed to ‘fit in’ to some unrealistic societal and fashion norms.

Activists like Ed Roberts openly spoke out for equal rights for people with disabilities as well as

Marsha P Johnson, an LGBTQ+ activist who challenged the norms of gender and sexuality.

And so the hope of acceptance of diversity really begins..

Body modification began to rise considerably, rebelling against beauty standards and using

piercings, scarification and tattoos as a form of art and self expression.

Looking around at the current trends, we are still moving forward which is positive for us all, but

the myths are still around. So, let’s debunk a few whilst I have your attention.

  • “Body positivity promotes obesity” Um, nope.. it’s an overall look at our health and wellness regardless of size, shape and appearance. It’s about all bodies, changing social and beauty standards and embracing diversity.

  • “It’s easy” Also, nope. Society can overwhelm our senses with unrealistic standards, we can unlearn what we were taught, what we read what the media says, but it can be a journey in our beliefs and all be accepting and compassionate to every body including ourselves.

  • “It’s a woman thing” Nope! This subject is very relevant to all genders as anyone could struggle with negative body image and Every Body benefits from inclusivity.

  • It’s selfish.. No, no, no. This isn’t about being self centred, it’s about empowering and caring for yourself.

In conclusion, be respectful, be kind, be around positive influences, and don’t compare with others. We are all unique!

Remember that our bodies are intricate, wonderful, sexy and individual. Focus on what we can do, rather than how we look.

Celebrate all bodies, including your own. ♥️

Big love to you beautiful pleasure seekers.
